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Who am I?


A little about me…

          But first, my own personal disclaimer:  I do not profess to be a chef.  I do not have any of those snazzy letters after my name, nor do I have any credentials from one of those cooking institutions that are now so famous from all the chefs we see on TV.  I am just a cook, a little better than your average cook; but still just a cook nonetheless.

Sabrina M.

Your Lady Gourmet

Some history...


          I’ve been cooking for as long as I can remember.  I grew up in Linden Houses, one of the many projects in Brooklyn, New York.  I lived there with my mother and cousin, until I headed off to college.  The three of us took turns cooking on different nights of the week.  My cousin’s day was Tuesday, and you best believe that we always had ham steak and home fries because that’s all she knew how to cook.  While she has greatly improved now as a wife and mother; those were some rough years back in Brooklyn.  When Thursday came it was my mother’s turn to cook and her dish of choice was always fried chicken wings, with okra, corn and tomato served over hot rice.  

          Don’t get me wrong, both of these meals were very good; but anyone in their right mind would tire of them after having them every week for I don’t know how long.  I believe this is why when my turn came on Sunday, Monday and Wednesdays, I tried to add as much variety as I could.  I was always the one trying different things.  This is more than likely where it all began for me.  I think I’ve known since I was 12, that I enjoyed cooking.  I loved trying new things then and I still do.  While I enjoy eating; cooking is a passion of mine that has grown over the years.  There is something to putting a meal together; but the biggest thrill for me is watching people enjoy my creations.  That’s something that never gets old for me.

          I do not create recipes for any type of fame, fortune or glory; but more so for my own personal satisfaction.  Cooking is a passion of mine that I find very relaxing, therapeutic and almost cathartic.


How my passion for food started…


          For generations African-American families gathered around large spreads of food and shared stories.  This is how we pass our history down to those that will follow.  All of those stories were rooted in some sort of truth; but over time each person telling the story added a little bit of this and a little bit of that to make it more interesting for the youngsters.  This is basically how a recipe evolves over generations and how my curiosity with food and how my family ‘used to do things’. 

          My maternal grandmother, AW to all of her friends, was probably the person that most influenced me when it came to cooking.  I cannot remember ever going to her house and not smelling something good coming from her kitchen.  The aromas were just breathtaking and that was evident to all the people that usually flocked to her house to eat.  My grandmother never turned a hungry person away.  She always told me that you never know when you may find yourself on the other side of someone’s door in those same shoes.  While you may not be able to help everyone with money or objects, a meal cooked with love could always sooth the savage beast.  My grandmother was what they used to call a hellcat and everyone knew it; but they also knew that Ms. AW was a person with a good heart and always a hot pot of something on the stove or in the oven that she was willing to share with who ever needed.

          As I think about the many people that my grandmother has fed over the years, the smiles and tears some of them had; it brings comfort to me knowing that I am trying to carry on what she taught me.

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